Franchise Startups
New to franchising?
We help you plan to protect and grow.
Our team at Morgan & Forb helps new franchisee clients vet and explore franchise business opportunities. Our firm's franchise law practice includes:
single unit owners,
​multi unit owners,​
start ups,
sales and acquisitions,
disputes, and
franchise associations.
Our franchise law practice is headed by Attorney Craig Morgan. As a former franchisee, he has personally started, bought and sold franchise businesses and helped many clients with the same. Our clients benefit from Craig's unique experience, as a former franchisee and, now, franchise attorney. ​
"Helping franchise clients is what I do because it's what I know. I've been involved with franchising since the middle 2000s, first as a franchisee. Now, I sit on the other side of the desk, helping clients grow and protect their franchise businesses!"
To Begin:
To get started simply fill out the short form by clicking here. The form provides the basic information needed to follow up and schedule your introductory consultation. ​​
The initial consultation is entirely free.
Discuss Your Details.
Our process begins with the initial consultation. ​Because each client is unique, we initiate representation with a meeting to learn more about you and your goals in life and business. ​​
The initial consultation offers you the opportunity to meet and explore our attorneys. Our goals are to demonstrate subject matter expertise and to add value to your legal matter. You decide if you want to utilize our guidance and counsel.